With Single-Mindedness Towards Your Future
pursuit in our school is based on the principle that it is our responsibility
towards every single student to develop his individual talents to the
full. Therefore we are not only satisfied to give each student through
the studies in Junior High School the knowledge, culture and training
for his physical and emotional well-being that he will need in the society,
but we strive higher.
Since almost all of our students want to enter a university,
it is necessary to give them a high level of intellectual and cultural
formation. This is only possible with a strong commitment to their studies
during the three years of Junior High School.
Looking concretely at the classes in Junior High School,
we used to strive to achieve practical results by having, as far as
possible, foreign teachers teach English, a subject that is new for
most students when they enter Junior High School. As far as science
and social studies are concerned, classes will have the professional
depth appropriate to Senior High School, and in Japanese, we find it
not beyond the strength of our students to start with Old Japanese and
Chinese Classics already in second and third year of Junior High School
whereas in ordinary schools these subjects are being taught only in
Senior High School. The same holds true for mathematics; at the relatively
easy level of Junior High School we advance at a high pace so that in
Senior High School we can spend a lot more time on mathematics and thus
go into greater depth.
Thus the characteristic of our integrated six year study
course is that it is based on close cooperation and confidence between
school, students and parents and that the studies are pursued in a calm
atmosphere without overburdening the students.